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- Lessons for the future: We’ve changed our business to change the world and we’ve achieved goals we never thought were possible. This is a progress report on how we achieved this important milestone, but also a pledge to go further..............Whether it’s changing your mindset, having a vision and a plan (and taking some wrong turns on the way), or bringing everyone along with you, these lessons are a manual for creating change within your own organisation. Even more importantly, they’re a blueprint for how we can all transform our shared future.

- Inside Adidas’s ambitious plan to end plastic waste in a decade: It’s a road map that the rest of the fashion industry should follow. Every year, Adidas makes more than 400 million pairs of sneakers...... According to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 60% of all materials used by the fashion industry are made from plastic, which, in turn, comes from oil, a non-renewable resource. ....... Adidas began developing its current sustainability strategy in 2015, when it conducted an audit around the materials it used. Since then, it has experimented with different solutions. The first step, will be transitioning the company to recycled plastic. By the end of this year, half of all polyester will be from recycled sources, and by 2024, all polyester that the company uses will be recycled........Recycled plastic is just one part of the process. The next step is creating products that can be easily recycled so there is an entirely circular system at work. As the Loop example demonstrates, this will involve redesigning products from scratch so they are either made from a single material or from materials that can be easily separated and recycled separately...........The final step in Adidas’s plan is to create products that are entirely biodegradable..........Adidas continues to be a major cause of plastic pollution, but it deserves credit for acknowledging the extent of its responsibility and coming up with a strategy for ending plastic waste. And by investing in and scaling up sustainable technologies–like recycled plastic foam, or bio-based materials for shoes–Adidas will pave the way for other brands to access more sustainable materials as well.
- Eileen Fisher built a fashion empire. Her employees now own nearly half of it: For many entrepreneurs, the ultimate goal is to take their company public. But for fashion designer Eileen Fisher, staying private and giving her employees a share of the business has allowed her to carve her own path to success.....Staying private has also enabled Fisher and her employees -- a majority of whom are female -- to be more vocal about issues that are important to them. Fisher says many of her employees feel a sense of ownership in the company and are not afraid to approach her with a problem or concern. This free flow of communication has helped improve her leadership style and sharpen her decision making skills, Fisher tells Harlow.... Fisher has become a leading voice on sustainability in the fashion industry, launching a program that resells and recycles clothing......

- Roadmap to 2050 A Manual for Nations to Decarbonize by Mid-Century: Following the Paris Climate Agreement’s aim to strengthen the global response to the climate crisis “in the context of sustainable development and efforts to eradicate poverty,” the Roadmap to 2050 is conceived on a “systems approach,” aspiring to simultaneously address multiple objectives and promote policy instruments and technological solutions that can be used across sectors. The multiple objectives span decarbonization and environmental sustainability, economic prosperity (including poverty reduction), and social inclusion. Policy instruments include public investments, phase out of subsidies to fossil fuels, market mechanisms, regulatory framework and regulations on land use, while technological solutions address a wide range of current and emerging solutions, from smart power grids to synthetic fuels. A systems perspective recognizes the interconnectivity of actions towards any one or more of these objectives, using any one or more of the mentioned policy instruments or technological solutions. An action in one can be detrimental to another, while some combined efforts could amplify their cumulative effects and achieve multiple objectives. For example, the power grid itself represents a complex system that must continue to operate reliably and efficiently even as it undertakes the deepest transformation in its history. No single policy or technology can achieve decarbonization by itself or be implemented without due consideration to its ripple effects, or the delicate state of the current, broader system
- A New Home At Work: An employer’s guide to fostering inclusion for refugees in the workplace : With businesses around the globe facing tight labor markets and aging demographics, as well as a desire to drive corporate social responsibility and social impact initiatives, many leaders are looking to the world’s 25.4 million refugees as potential employees. In addition to supporting a vulnerable population, hiring refugees offers employers a new pool of talent from which to draw new perspectives and drive positive business outcomes. But integrating refugee employees sometimes requires a different approach than do nonrefugees. As research conducted by Deloitte in collaboration with Tent Partnership for Refugees highlights, successfully employing refugees goes far beyond an initial hiring decision and pointing new workers in the direction of an orientation session. Leaders need to foster a culture of inclusion aimed at unlocking the potential of refugee workers once they hit the ground. See our full-length report, A new home at work, for information on how employers can foster inclusion for refugees in the workplace.
- How Rare Earths (What?) Could Be Crucial in a U.S.- China Trade War: ..."....Lynas Corporation. The company provides materials known as rare earths, which are used to make personal electronics like smartphones and televisions, and electric and hybrid cars....Rare earths after being baked at 1,000 degrees Celsius. They aren’t truly rare — they are made up of 17 elements found together in the ground all over the world — but turning them into useful materials is costly and complicated... Rare earths are refined on a large scale in only two places: at Lynas’s plant in Malaysia and in China. China’s grip on the market puts the supply chain at risk in a trade war...
- Adidas sold 1 million shoes made out of ocean plastic in 2017: Adidas sold 1 million shoes made out of ocean plastic last year, CEO Kasper Rorsted told CNBC on Wednesday. The German sportswear giant launched last year three new versions of its UltraBoost shoe made out of plastic found in the ocean. It teamed up with environmental initiative Parley for the Oceans to create the shoe
- These Adidas are made from recycled ocean plastic and they're the most comfortable running sneakers I've tried: ....plastic waste winds up in our oceans, polluting the water and killing animals, only to eventually make its way back to us through the food we eat (and the micro plastic in them). In order to address the problem and build a more sustainable (and mutually beneficial) business plan, Adidas paired up with Parley for the Oceans to repurpose the millions of pounds of plastic currently polluting the world's oceans. Instead of remaining waste, Adidas has found a smart way to use recycling to their (and the planet's) benefit.
- Eileen Fisher Helps Make the Eco-Fashion Dream of Circularity Come True: An inside look at the brand's "Tiny Factory," where a meticulous sorting and record-keeping process transforms old clothes into new ones on a large scale.....That's why Eileen Fisher's Tiny Factory, located in Irvington, New York, is worth taking a close look at. Inside, an elaborate system of organizing, sorting, cataloguing and storing old clothing makes possible the construction of the new pieces that comprise the brand's upcycled Renew collection. Though the facility is called the "Tiny Factory," the scale of the endeavor — which involves thousands of garments a year — feels anything but small...
- Performance of nine technologies for phosphorus recovery from wastewater: Presentation providing insight into "EU-wide implementation of phosphorus recovery and recycling from wastewater considering regional conditions"
- Africa SDG Index and Dashboards Report 2018: The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a universal agenda, calling on all nations to pursue economic development, social inclusion, and environmental sustainability, on the basis of good governance. This report creates, for the first time, a measurement of progress on the SDGs tailored specifically to African countries.
- In the Heart of the Corn Belt, an Uphill Battle for Clean Water: “Health trumps politics,” said Iowa State Senator David Johnson before taking the stage at a raucous rally in Des Moines last winter to support strengthening the state’s water quality. In the marble rotunda of the state capitol, he rose to denounce the nitrogen and phosphates that have been flowing in ever-increasing quantities into Iowa’s public water supplies — and was cheered by the small crowd of family farmers, concerned mothers, and his new political allies, the legislature’s drastically outnumbered Democrats. Johnson had been one of the longest-serving Republicans in Iowa until he left the party to become an independent in 2016 after defying it repeatedly on one of the most divisive issues in Iowa — the integrity of the state’s water.
- Why this South American company is making laptops in Rwanda: Rwanda is becoming a hub of tech activity; The country's rapid growth has made it a prime spot for tech companies to develop........You would expect to see the words 'Made in Rwanda' on a jar of coffee, but probably not on a laptop. Rwanda is becoming a hub of tech activity with its recently launched innovation hub FabLab, a space for members to turn tech ideas into products. The East African country has also seen success with FOYO, a mobile pharmaceutical directory, as well as a new cashless bus payment system in the capital city Kigali

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- City Transport System of the Second Level: Dahir Insaat presents how a new modern transport at second level can be used in cities where the current infrastructure is unable to effectively control the traffic. This video shows how the transport technology uses solar energy, existing road structure that adjusts its vehicles height to accommodate the flyovers. (It relates to the piece in Lens 2, Technology, specifically, Technology + design thinking on p. 334)